Madagascar is an animated movie featuring escaped animals from a New York zoo. It was followed by a sequel and the movies were just about average, though they contained some promising side-characters.
I was a huge fan of the penguins when the movies came and I was overjoyed when I discovered the cartoon series (for those living in India, the series comes daily on Nickelodeon - NICK - at 10 pm IST). King Julien is also in a class by himself and the sheer extent of his ego and self-absorption is just hilarious. In the movies, the sheer inventiveness of the penguins in creating a plane from spare parts is amazing.
Someone enterprising has taken this seriously and created a cartoon series based on these side-characters called "Penguins of Madagascar", featuring the 4 penguins (Skipper, Rico, Kowalski and Private) and also the inimitable and irrepressible King Julien with his side-kicks (the long suffering Maurice and the ultimate groupie, Mort). Thankfully the main characters from the original movie are nowhere to be seen.
Don't know how long the series will last, but enjoy it while it does ! Do write and let me know if you also enjoy watching the penguins.
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